Sep 29, 2019
This is both a talk and guided meditation providing instruction on how to be happy. From the physical aspect, to mental and emotional and then spiritual aspects, we explore all the levels of happiness and peace. Steven shares tools and techniques and guides a meditation.
Just listening to this talk will make you feel...
Sep 20, 2019
Author Steven Sadleir reads poetry and prose from his popular book Naked Soul, and takes you on a journey into the Source of love itself within you. In this second reading, Steven focuses on the feminine, women, love and relationship.
Some of these poems include: Emotions (won 1st place), Passion's Lair, The Kiss,...
Sep 15, 2019
Author reads from his book Naked Soul. Sometimes playful, sometimes introspective and always in awe, author Steven Sadleir bears his soul to you. Allow yourself to just sit back in the jacuzzi of consciousness and be read poems to. Be completely nurtured, loved and supported. Like a bubble bath for your...
Sep 13, 2019
In this lecture, Steven first goes back to Moses, the commandments and the Torah, and then dives into Babayonian and Sumarian accounts of Adam and the Flood. Then to the Dead Sea Scrolls, the world's oldest written Old Testament along with the Apocrapha and tables speaking on the Essene sect of Jews in Qumran, John The...
Sep 8, 2019
Do we live in the End Times? Is Judgement Day upon us? Are we entering an Age of Enlightenment and about to destroy most of the Earth and create Heaven on Earth? Many Jews, Christians and Moslems believe it, and other too in some form or another. Steven draws upon his years of study on world religions for his...