Apr 30, 2021
An eye opening discussing what is happening in the world now and the facts behind all the conspiracy "theories", including: Global government and currency, the facts behind the pandemic, chipping, 5G, Arial Spraying (Chem Trails), GMO's, Weather Modification, Psychological Operations and the America's coup. We are at...
Apr 29, 2021
Optimal Health & Longevity - Live Zoom Seminar with Steven Sadleir
Saturday and Sunday, May 8th & 9th, 2 hours each, from 9:00 am.
Apr 25, 2021
This talk provides an overview of how the mind works and then Swamiji guides us through various physical parts of the brain and different functions of the mind and then beyond the mind to observe and control the brain. www.EnlightenmentTV.com
Apr 23, 2021
This meditation focuses on the 4 primary sacred points to awaken the kundalini shakti including the Cave of Brahman. Swamiji guides us through these psychic centers during this meditation. Just tune in and feel the bliss.
Apr 18, 2021
Developing a greater awareness of how energy is conducted within your body, around you and through relations, in collective consciousness, within Global magnetism, the Universal Field and Transcententally. Enjoy the ride. More at www.EnlightenmentTV.com